Thanks so much for becoming…
Below are links to schools and other groups that are very, very busy trying to help protect Earth. We want you to learn about their successful activities. You don’t have to use Kids for Saving Earth as your club name to have a link. Please email us at [email protected] if you would like to add your group to these wonderful Defenders of the Planet pages.
Other special activities by…
Defenders of the Planet
Here’s a letter from students at Hastings Elementary School in Westborough, MA!
Dear Kids for Saving Earth,
We are students from Hastings Elementary School (Westborough, MA). We are in grades 1, 2, and 3. We found out about Kids for Saving Earth and we had fun. We are trying to keep the earth clean, and we are telling people to help out. We are trying to tell kids to stop littering. Stop doing oil spills and drilling holes. We are going to hang up birdhouses for bluebirds, and are making bird feeders.
What have you been doing? How did you start Kids for Saving Earth?
This is a great program for kids that don’t know about the earth.
From Kayla, Alex, Amanda, Dominick, Ashley, Michael, Jayna, Ellen, Ben, Taylor, Jessye, Blake
Here is another letter by Rabiatul Syakirah binti Abdul Rahim from SK Minden Height, a member of Girl’s Scout Penang, Malaysia sending the SDG 13 Climate Action’s document for further reviewing.Thank you very much for the opportunity given to me in doing the above task. ‘Once a Guide, Always a Guide’