A Save the Earth Costume:
Kids love costumes and kids love saving Earth. Do both at the same time by reusing old clothes for a costume.
Be Wild About Wildflowers:
Get out and enjoy spring wildflowers to learn why they must be protected. Ask kids to take close up photos of these gems and send them to KSE. They will have joined the KSE wildflower team.
Bike Rodeo:
Biking gets kids exercising and outside. This will help create less CO2. Learn how biking can be safe.
Clean Your Desk:
You have to have the kids do it anyway. Make it a recycling lesson!
Cool Earth Team:
Simply commit to working on the Kids Campaign to Cool Earth and kids can receive their Cool Earth Team Certificate.
Compost Power:
What is composting all about and how does it help save Earth
While you are doing something wonderful for the Earth, take a selfie and send it to KSE.
Earth Facts and Tips:
Check out these Earth-action tips!
Earth Inspector:
Learn how kids can become “the pollution solution”.
Fathers Day Card:
Give a gift of a coupon for Earth-saving work on Father’s Day.
For The Beauty of the Earth
The Beauty of Earth is all around us. Capture a picture of your favorite spots and email them to KSE.
Go to the Library:
The library is VERY Earth-friendly because the books are reused, reused, and reused again!
Gardening for a Child’s Health:
Empower your kids with their very own pesticide-free garden. This is an Earth-action that is great for kids health too.
Garbage Walk:
It’s simple. Just get outside and take a walk. Pick up garbage on the way!!
Get the Lead Out:
Did you know that fisherman are too often using “lead sinkers” on their fishing lines? Lead sinkers can poison loons, eagles and other animals.
Green Washing:
Well, what does this mean? Find out and do something about it!
Groundhog and Groundhog Day
Do you ever wonder about groundhogs and why we have groundhogs day?
Healthy Schools
Shape up your school by making it more healthy.
H2O Challenge Quiz:
Kids take this to adults to see what they know about keeping our water healthy.
Junk Mail:
Is mail you don’t want piling up on a counter. Find out how to stop it. It’s bad for our Earth.
KSE Healthy Cleaning Week:
Pick a week during your school year to clean healthy.
Learn From A Senior Citizen:
An empowering activity for kids and a learning experience that will help Earth. Also fun for Seniors.
Living Creatures:
To learn more about all living creatures you will have to observe them!
Love the Earth:
A great way to send valentines and learn about government action to help Earth.
Magazine Exchange:
Exchange used magazines with friends and families and help protect our planet.
Make a Bird Feeder:
A simple way to get kids interested in birds. Make one for outside your school window.
Make a Paper Airplane:
A great outdoor activity shows how to reuse paper in a fun way.
Make a Promise Tree:
Kids love this project and it’s very easy to do in your classroom or home. Great for Earth month!
Meet your Congressman:
You may think this is impossible but it’s really easy to meet your congressperson. Just ask!
Monthly E-Day Letters
Check out our monthly earth day letters
New Years Resolution:
Most of us make resolutions to do good things for ourselves each new year. How about making a resolution to protect Earth?
There is major ways to help keep the Earth’s water systems healthy.
Order Your Earth Saving Music:
Just sing out your protection of our planet. Music moves people!
Pack a Green Lunch:
Here’s a way to help Earth. Create a green lunch!
Pollution Place:
Can you find all the pollution problems in this house?
Recycle It!:
A printable poster for your refrigerator!
Safer Weed Control:
We can’t control weeds with dangerous pesticides so what do we do?
Save our Parks:
Find out how you can protect our beautiful National Parks.
Save Your Money:
To save our Earth it will take money. How about starting a piggy bank to collect money for Rainforests?
Shop Green:
Here is some shopping green help. When you buy green you help Earth.
Sign the Petition:
Sign what is on our list. Think of a petition you want to place on this page. Let us know.
Sign the Promise:
Make a promise to Earth and sign it! See how many kids and adults you can get to sign on!
Thanksgiving: Thankful List:
Think about it and figure out why you are thankful for a healthy Earth. What about our Earth makes you happy?
Turn in Your Old Paint and Oil:
Please don’t put your old paint and oil in the trash or down the drain.
Unsun Fun:
Enjoy the sun but be careful. These days the sun causes many problems.
Use Cloth Napkins Week:
Plan a week where you use only cloth napkins. Find out how easy it is.
Vacation Promise:
Before your students leave for summer vacation ask them to commit to Earth-saving activities while on vacation.
Vote Smart:
The biggest and easiest way to make progress saving Earth is to vote in governmental leaders who care about Earth.
Walk-to-School Day:
Organize it for your neighborhood. It uses your energy. (which is good) and saves on fossil fuel energy. (which is also good)
Want Your Own Web Page?
Send us your stories and your drawings we will create a web page for you on our Kids for Saving Earth website.
Water Waster Postcard:
Send this to people or business who are allowing water to drip out of their faucets or their toilets to run!
Wear Reused Clothes:
Be proud of wearing clothes that have been worn by your brother or sister. Be proud of buying clothes that have been worn before. reusing clothes will help protect our planet.
Wilderness Wild:
The Arctic needs protecting. You can help.
Wonderful Wind
Wind can do lots of things that would normally take other forms of energy. How about we let it do its work?
Wrap Green:
Think how much waste we use when we buy paper products to wrap presents. Find out ways you can wrap green.