Action Programs

Ask Adults to take the Promise:
       Get your parents and adult friends to sign the Kids for Saving Earth Promise. 

Backyard Habitat

   Great ideas to create a backyard habitat or even a balcony habitat at your home or school.

Beautiful Earth:

Make your own beautiful Earth and put it in your front window, sidewalk, or yard so everybody can see it!

Become an Earth Inspector:
       Explore your home and yard to discover where you might find unhealthy toxins. 

Become a Defender of the Planet:
       Explore your home and yard to discover where you might find unhealthy toxins. 

Bird Buddies:
      This is an easy way you can learn and help birds to survive! 

Bye-Bye Throw-Away Bottles:
       Make a promise to our Earth. Let’s say “Bye-Bye” to one-time-use water bottles!

Call to Action:
       Send this home with your students so they can involve their parents in protecting Earth. A very easy project!

Can Can Carnival:
       Here’s a simple, environmental way to have fun earning funds for your Earth-saving projects. 

Catalog Canceling Challenge:
       You know those pesky catalogs that keep landing at your doorstep. Check out how to cancel them.

Certificates, Awards, Etc.
Do you want to award someone, write letters provide certificates? All you have to do is print these out!

Children’s Book for Environmental Health:
       This is a great book to read with a child. There is an adult section and a kid section. Go on a health hunt in your home.

Children’s Forest:
       Educate children on planting their own forest and a pollination place in their communities.

Clinton’s Backyard Habitat:

Club and Class Activities:
       A nice long list of things kids can do to help protect Earth.

Creature Feature:
       What is your classroom’s favorite creature? Write about it. Draw it. We will feature it on this site.

Defenders of the Planet:
       Tell us what you and your classroom or group is doing to protect Earth. We will announce it on the Defenders of the Planet Page. 

Defender of the Planet Award:
       Do you know someone who deserves a Defender of the Planet Award? Print out this certificate and present it to your Earth-saver.

Download the KSE Promise Song:
       Have you heard the Promise Song? Download it and get the words too. Then sing it in your classroom. It is our Earth’s Anthem!

       The KSE club in the state of Washington made the DragonFly the state insect. Think about what you can do in your school.

Earth Day 5:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Five very easy Earth-saving projects you can do while you are at home.

Earth Work:

Earth Expo In Your School:
       Have an event in your school to celebrate Earth and find ways to protect it.

Eco-Epals – Email the President:
       Did you know that you can email the President of the United States? Get busy explaining why it’s so important to protect our Earth.

For the Beauty of Earth:
       Take pictures of the Earth and post them online or with friends and family to show Earths beauty.

Garbage Patch:     
        Our oceans are filling with trash plastic. The health of the water and animals in it are at risk.

The Garbage Patch Challenge:      
        Help fight to keep our oceans free from trash and plastic with this challenge.

Garbage Walk:
       Taking a walk look for garbage does not sound like fun but it is. Cleaning up the Earth is very empowering for kids.

Global Warming:
       Learn why Earth is warming.

Global Warming (Spanish Version)
       Earth warms all over the world. Do you speak Spanish or have friends that do. Tell them about this information for kids on climate change.

Green Birthday:
       Celebrate birthdays in a very Earth-friendly way. Learn how.

Green Day:
       It’s simple to have a green day at your school. Wear green clothes and pick a few of the activities from this project.

Healthy Cleaning Week

Teach your kids each day of one week how to do healthy cleaning in their home and classroom. 

Heart of the Arctic

Help stop oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

       Honeybees are dying from pollution and pesticides in their habitats. What can you do? 

Inspector Checklist:
You can make your home healthy by using this inspector checklist.       

Join the Cool Earth Team:
       It is very easy. Just join and commit to protecting our planet. 

         Kids and Senior Citizens: 
Check out how you can help the earth by teaming up with a senior 

Kids’ Asthma Environmental Causes:
       What is the problem? Why do so many kids have asthma? What can we do about it? 

Kid’s Campaign to Cool the Earth :

A to Z climate change topics to help your kids understand the issue and find empowering ways to slow global warming.

KSE Activity and Discussion Guide:
       Kids of all ages and instructors can use this guide for environmental activities.

KSE Calendars:
       Many, many, many months of Earth-saving activities for every week. Check them out!

KSE Children’s Forest:

You can have your own mini children’s forest in your own backyard, your school or church. Learn how.

KSE Children’s Forest Intro:

You can have your own mini children’s forest in your own backyard, your school or church. Learn how.

Kids for Saving Earth Rainforest:
       Help protect rain forests by supporting our rain forest in Costa Rica.  

KSE Reporter:
       Become a news reporter for Kids for Saving Earth by writing about or reporting on environmental issues. Send your information to news media in your area. You will receive a KSE News Reporter Button.

Last Straw Challenge:
       Straws are harming sea and land animals and creating hazards for our beaches, wetlands, lakes, rivers, and oceans. Plastic straws are simply unnecessary.

Let the Forest Be with You
       Learn about nature while on a walk in the forest!

Mining our Earth:
       We have to mine our Earth for lots of things like copper, iron, gas, and oil. Often it isn’t safe for Earth. Learn all about mining and how we can make our government leaders aware of the problems.

Monarchs Matter:
       The Monarch butterfly population has declined drastically. We all need to join together to create habitat to protect them. Can you put a Monarch garden in your back yard or even on your balcony?

Monarchs Count:

          Monarchs are disappearing at a very rapid rate.  Start counting the Monarchs you see this summer and email your results to KSE.

Mysterious Arctic:
Yes, the Arctic is cool but these days not cool enough.

No Idling:
Don’t let cars and buses idle outside school buildings. It’s bad for health. Learn what you can do about it.

Organic Gardening and Farming:
       Learn how and why it’s important to farm and garden without using pesticides or other chemicals to grow our plants and food. What can kids do? 

Picnic For The Planet:
       Choose a day to celebrate Earth with a healthy and organic picnic. Check out the green picnic suggestions.

Promise Challenge:
       Before you begin your Earth-saving efforts say the Kids for Saving Earth Promise. Check out the Promise in several different languages. This is a worldwide problem.

Promise Song:
       Sing the Kids for Saving Earth Promise song for events or morning opening activities.

Quick and Easy Eco-Activities

We know it’s hard to fit some activities into your curriculum.  Here are some that are really
easy to complete.

Rainforest Facts:
       Check out this brief overview of facts and action steps to protect our rainforests.

Reading and Forest Bathing:
       Have you ever tried “forest bathing?” It’s not like taking a real bath with soap and water, learn how! Make sure to read a library book while you’re at it!

Reading for Earth Challenge:
       Find out how reading can help the Earth and communities around you.

Real Christmas Trees:
       Real Christmas trees are much better for the Earth than fake trees. Find out why.

Recycle It!

Print this out and put it on your refrigerator as a reminder.

Respect the Earth:
       Find out a great and simple way to do something good our Earth.

Rules For Greening Schools:
       Learn more about how you can “green” your school and make it more healthy.

Save the Earth Switch Plate:
       It’s as simple as painting an electrical switch plate cover and putting it up in your room or anywhere in your home. A great reminder for turning off lights!

School Bus Emissions:
       Learn about why school bus emissions are so bad for your health. 

Start a KSE Club:
       Follow these simple steps to starting a KSE group, class, or club in your school.

So What’s a Toxic Waste Site:
       You’ve heard about toxic waste sites but what are they and what can we do about them? 

Toxics in Your Home

Toxins in Your Home

Toxic Waste in Spanish:
       If you and your class speak Spanish you can help Earth by learning about toxic waste sites and what you can do about them. 

Sun Power:
       Sun power is a bright idea. It will take us away from our reliance on fossil fuels. Let’s learn about and spread the word about beautiful solar power. 

The Great Garbage Challenge:
       Here’s a challenge to learn about how we can cut back on the amount of garbage we create on Earth.

Teaching Grownups™
       Sometimes it takes kids to encourage good Earth-saving habits in their parents. With this project, kids can feel empowered by teaching adults how to protect Earth. 

Trip to the Forest:
       Are you headed out to visit a forest with your kids sometime soon? This book is a great book to read and then take alone for your walk through the woods. 

Tune-up the Earth:
       Here’s a great way to get Earth in better shape. By following these suggestions, you can lower the CO2 emissions from all the vehicles we have on Earth. 

What Happens at a Meeting?
       Here’s a simple step by step plan for running a KSE meeting.

Wind Power:
       Wind power is a beautiful way to help protect Earth. It’s happening all over the world but needs to happen faster.

Wonderful World of Water:
       Can we protect our water? Yes! Find out how. 

Write on – Write your Congressperson:
       Kids can influence their legislators. Have them write to them about their environmental concerns.