Kids for Saving Earth 3-9-07
Today we had the privilege of our fourth graders: Jacob, Alyssa, and Kaitlin lead our meeting. Alyssa led our singing of the KSE Promise. Kaitlin helped us add up our treasury. We had a $2.75 donation from Keegan. We had a $1.00 donation from Ms. Henriksen. This brought our grand total to $14.01. We discussed how to make more money. Mrs. Clements had it OK’d for our KSE Club to have a table set up at the Spring Carnival. We will be asking families to bake items, package them in baggies, and price them for 25 cents each. This could be a family project for KSE. We have done this fund raiser in the past and it has given us a big chunk of money to use to help save the Earth! We had several animal presentations. Brooklyn taught us about whales. Keara did a KWL about Wild Dogs. Ruthann did a web about tigers. Brianna taught us about polar bears. It was an exciting meeting and we learned a lot.