December 1st Meeting
We started our first official meeting with Alyssa guiding us through the KSE Promise Song. She pointed to the poster while the children sang along. Next, Kaitlin led the treasury report. We had $1.15 left from last year. Keegan saved up $4.26 at home and announced this to the club. Keegan received a big round of applause from his classmates and a Defender of the Planet certificate. Jacob called for any environmental reports. Ruthann did a report on leopards. She taught us all about where leopards live and why they are in trouble. When Ruthann was researching she was unable to find a sponsorship site for American Leopards, but found one for Snow Leopards in Asia. Ruthann taught us about the “buy a goat, save a leopard” program. Many people in Asia make their living as herders. These people have moved into the habitat of Snow Leopards. The Snow Leopards see a goat and they think, “Mmmm, lunch!” The herders get mad when the leopards eat their goats so they kill the leopards. For $50 World Wildlife Fund will buy a goat for a herder to replace one eaten by a Snow Leopard. The money will also be used to educate herders about Snow Leopards. Ruthann did a great job educating us! We will put her proposal on hold until we have enough money to consider it. Abrianna was next. She did an animal report on rhinos. Did you know that a rhino’s teeth are made our of ivory and people are killing rhinos just to take their teeth so they can make jewelry and statues? Abrianna also found a project on the World Wildlife Fund site. For $25 we can sponsor a rhino. The money will be used to educate people about the importance of rhinos to our world. For our $25 we would receive an adoption certificate and a wildlife animal umbrella. The umbrella would be auctioned off at our last class auction of the year. We closed the meeting by singing our thank you song to our 4th grade leaders. It was a great meeting and truly Kids for Saving Earth!