April 21st Meeting
Minutes from our KSE meeting on April 21st. We started the meeting singing the KSE promise. Anthony computed our current treasury. We started with a balance of $6.03. Megan donated $8.60 to give us the grand total of $14.63. Kaitlin and Julia decided to wait to present their whale certificate and stuffed animal to the club, until Brady is back. Several children shared environmental activities. The children are saving caterpillars, rebuilding ant hills, and picking up trash. Our at school “Earth Day” was a perfect day to have a KSE meeting for this group of environmentalists.
Environmental Sponsorships to date 2005/2006: Defenders of Wildlife-Dolphin $25 Kids for Saving Earth Rainforest $25 Defenders of Wildlife-Tiger $25 Defenders of Wildlife-Black Bear $25 Defenders of Wildlife-Elephants $25 Gorilla Foundation-$15 Defenders of Wildlife-Polar Bears $25 Prairie Wildlife Research, Inc. Liberty the Black Footed Ferret-$25. Defenders of Wildlife-Whale $25 Total $215 to save the Earth! |