April 20th Meeting
Zach was our leader for today’s meeting. He lead us in singing the Kids for Saving Earth promise. Zach helped us add up our treasury. We had $8.03 in our treasury. We received $70 from our KSE Bake Sale at the Spring Carnival. Ruthann donated 75 cents to KSE. Brooklyn donated $1.50. Brooklyn’s neighbor donated $6.00. Brooklyn, her sister Amanda, and their neighbor girl set up a Kool-Aid stand in their neighborhood for KSE. We totaled out money and had $86.28 in our treasury. The children figured out that we could sponsor 3 animals from Defenders of Wildlife. We voted and decided to sponsor a penguin, a snowy owl, and a polar bear. Our new treasury is $11.28. Tessa Hill came to our classroom and personally thanked the children for being members of KSE. The children told Tessa all the wonderful things they are doing to SAVE THE EARTH! It was an honor to meet the President of Kids for Saving Earth! |