Trophy: Make a trophy to represent an endangered species- maybe a Siberian Tiger for being a “go-get-er”- and present it each meeting to a Club member.
Merit Badges: Why not collect old buttons and wear them as awards? You could sew a blue button on your Club shirt every time your Club completes a water activity…a green button could be for trees…a white one for air, and so on. Bejewel, beribbon, and bespangle yourselves! (In other words, decorate with imagination!) Parade around in your shirts. People will ask you the meaning of all this…then you can tell them about Kids for Saving Earth.
Graduation Ceremony: Hold a KSE graduation ceremony at the end of the year. Make pennants to give to the graduates. Sing the “Promise.” Instead of wearing robes, wear the t-shirts you’ve made for your Club-but dress them up with colorful ribbons and pins. Get everyone involved by letting each member read an inspirational quote about the environment. Be sure to invite friends and parents. (They’ll want treats, so don’t ignore their stomachs.) This might be a good time to initiate new members, too!
Eco-Action Sheets: Use the Eco-action sheet to encourage individual, team, and Club activities. Reward members who complete the form by giving them Defender of the Planet awards. (Copy the Eco-action sheets found in this section.)
KSE Defender of the Planet Award: In the pocket of this Club Kit, you’ll find your own Kids for Saving Earth “Defender of the Planet” certificates. Use them to reward Club members when they’ve completed Eco-action sheets (see in this section), or use them to reward commitment by honoring everyone who participated in KSE for a year (present them at your graduation ceremony). Give them to non-KSEers, too, like businesses, elected officials, or other environmentally conscious people or organizations your Club want to honor. Suggest that these winners frame their certificates and hang them where others will see them. (If you start to get low on these, copy them on recycled paper so you’ll have more.)
Defender of the Month Award: Each month select a Club member to be “KSE Defender of the Month.” Find a photo of the best monthly Defender, and paste it to one of the certificates you’ll find in your KSE Kit. Have one of the Club members color in the frame so that each award is beautiful and unique. You’ll find the award in this section. Copy it (on recycled paper) so you have enough for every month.
Check the KSE Catalog: The KSE catalog found at the KSE Information Station is full of perks for KSE members. KSE buttons, trader pins, bracelets, t-shirts, shopping bags, and more make great rewards.