March 2019


Dear Kids for Saving Earth Friends,

Welcome to our Kids for Saving Earth March calendar. It is filled with important Earth-saving activities. Earth Day is not far away so I want to remind you of three important activities to consider taking on to educate and inspire kids and their parents about environmental problems.

1.. Order your KSE Rock the World Concert Kit. It includes sheet music for nine songs, orchestration for the Kids for Saving Earth Promise Song, the Rock the World CD, an instrumental CD version, an adaptable script for a play, dance routines, membership certificates and educational materials. Get your school music teacher involved. Your kids will love it. Your audience will learn so much and you will have fun! Just watch your students’ faces as they perform our Kids for Saving Earth Rap Song.  

2. Have an Earth Expo in your school. Check out this project. You can do just parts of it or inspire your school to do the entire event.

3. Choose some simple events to promote issues and Earth Day. Here’s an idea: Have a “Green Car Show” on your school parking lot. Invite local car dealers to provide electric or hybrid cars and/or ask parents to provide their “green” cars.

Ask your students to learn about “green” cars and carpooling and then write a report to turn into flyers to hand out at the car show.

There are many more project choices on the March calendar. Please check them out and get started as soon as possible. Earth needs you and your students.

Don’t forget to make Kids for Saving Earth your nonprofit preference on It costs you nothing and

really helps support us.

Thank you!