Dear Kids for Saving Earth Friends
Welcome to September. As you can see from what has happened in Texas, we have a lot of work to do. The length and strength of this hurricane and the tropical storm was exacerbated by a warming ocean caused by global warming. This month’s Kid’s Campaign to Cool the Earth letter is X for X-Factor. Learn how you and your kids can help.
September is filled with ideas to look over and decide what works for you. The “Call to Action” on the 13th is always a good and easy activity. “Save your Money” on the 21st is great to fit into a math project.
For all the letters covered for the Kids Campaign to Cool the Earth A-Z, check out this link.
Here is an important reminder of how you can help Kids for Saving Earth in a big way:
When you order from Amazon you can designate Amazon to donate a few pennies for each order. Pennies can unite together just like kids to help protect our Earth. To choose Kids for Saving Earth to donate to at no cost to you, go to Amazon Smile.
When you order make sure you are always on the Amazon Smile link.
Thanks for all you do for kids and our beautiful Earth.