August Letter 2020

Here it is August already. I’m guessing many of you don’t know if you will be teaching school in September. I will continue to provide you with ideas for activities for your students that can be accomplished at home.

Honeybees are struggling to survive and are truly needed for our survival. Pollinating insects are crucial for assuring so much of the growth of plants we eat. Bees are the best pollinators so we really want to protect them. A great way to do that is to ask your students to develop a pollinator place in their own yard or even balcony. Ask them to plant lots of bee-friendly flowers and you will have beautiful surroundings and provide pollen for your local bees.

Another important activity kids can do this year is to interview Senior Citizens about what they used to do to protect Earth. Click on Learn from a Senior Citizen to obtain questions you can ask them or they can make up their own. This will teach your students ways to help Earth and at the same time ways to help older people.

Order and print Exciting Earth-saving Adventures to ask your students to read and review. You can also begin preparation for having an Earth Expo in your school for Earth Day in April. Some assignments you can give kids are to write essays about environmental topics. Create environmental artwork like collages out of old magazines, or create eco carnival games to use when you have the event. Finally, begin practicing the Promise Song on those zoom calls. You can send us a video of new members of our Kids for Saving Earth virtual choir. Here’s another link that will help you with that project.

In the meantime stay cool, social distance and wear masks. Thanks for teaching kids to help Earth.

For our Earth, Tessa