Health Wave

Children cannot protect themselves. All adults-parents, grandparents, teachers, government and elected officials, corporations and grassroots organization representatives-are responsible for the health and welfare of children. Children did not create the hazards in their environment-we did. All of us are responsible for cleaning them up.

from the introduction to the Center for Health Environment and Justice’s (CHEJ) “Preventing Environmental Health Risks to Children: A Guidebook for Parents and Other Who Care About Children.”


It’s bizarre that the produce manager is more important to my children’s health than the pediatrician. – Meryl Streep

Prevention is the Cure

Prevention Is The Cure, Inc. is an anti-disease, environmental group that brings fresh perspective to the causes of disease rather than ways of coping once diagnosed. We are convinced that disease is not caused by genes alone but by the interaction of environmental triggers and genetic predispositions.

Mount Sinai’s Children’s Environmental Health Center (CEHC)

The mission of Mount Sinai’s Children’s Environmental Health Center (CEHC) is to protect children against environmental threats to health.



Action Network

Activism Alerts

Write Elected Officials


Household Products Database


Chemical Info

Learn the real story on toxics in your community!
Organize a community meeting on toxics!
Act to reduce environmental hazards in your area!





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